Research Trials 


Athena Shingles Study

This Surgery is supporting the Athena shingles study.

We want to find out if taking amitriptyline can prevent the persistent pain that some people get after shingles.

Are you 50 years or older and recently got shingles? You may be able to take part, ask your GP.

Research Study

Are you 65 years old or over and takes 5 or more regular medications?  Do you care for someone who is aged 65 years old or over and takes 5 or more regular medications?

We would be very interested to hear your thoughts about the role of social prescribing in supporting people taking multiple medications.  

  • Social prescribing is an approach that connects people to activities, groups, and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing.
  • Social prescribers are starting to work within GP teams to direct people to some of these activities. 

If interested, you will take part in an interview (either by telephone, in-person or online) and will be compensated with a £25 amazon voucher for your time.

For more details please email or call 07810 240 826

Eating Disorders

Do you want to help improve the identification of eating disorders? Then The University of Exeter might be looking for you!

Eating Disorders



What is it about?

The University of Exeter are looking to map out the current practices in primary care in relation to the identification and management of Binge Eating Disorder and Bulimia Nervosa

Who is able to take part?

Anyone suffering with the symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder and/or Bulimia Nervosa and is above the age of 16.

What is involved?

It is an online survey - all you need it a phone, tablet or computer! It will take you about 5 minutes,

The study ends in February 2025.

To take part please use the link below:


Volunteers needed for a study aiming to predict when coughs and colds are going to get worse.

We aim to create an app that can analyse voice and breathing sounds and help people with coughs and colds know whether their illness is likely to get better or worse.

You may qualify if you:

  • Are above 18 years old
  • Have a smartphone that can download our app
  • Do not currently have a Respiratory Tract Infection (cough or cold)

Participation involves:

  • Downloading our app and filling in a consent form
  • Answering some questions about yourself and recording yourself speaking, breathing, coughing

For more information please visit the Reload website

Research Study - The Attens Project ADHD trial for 8-18 year olds

Are you aged between 8-18 years old? And are diagnosed with ADHD?

The Attens Project is looking for children with ADHD aged between 8-18 years old to try the first ever medical device as non-drug treatment for ADHD called TNS (trigeminal nerver simulation).

The TNS device stimulates a nerve that goes into the brain and improves ADHD. TNS has minimal side effects and can be used with or without medication.

We would ask you to try the device while you sleep for four weeks and do some assessments before and after.

You may be able to get up to £350!

To find out more about the project please get in touch: Telephone: 07923 881 937  | Email: 


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